Application Security & Software Engineering
The speeches that I held in the past years related to Application Security are confidential to the clients and employers that I worked for. As soon as I have a speech that got cleared for publication it will become available here.
LuckyStackWorker v6 ALPO Webinar, Asscociation of Lunar and Planetary Observers, 11th oj January 2025.
"Automatisch nabewerken van planeetopnamen met LuckyStackWorker", Werkgroep astrofotografie, 1st of april 2023, Gouda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w89mAOb5TgM&t=11856sÂ
"LuckyStackWorker demonstration", Werkgroep maan en planeten meeting, 11th of June 2022 at the Halley Observatory in Heesch, the Netherlands. This video is somewhat shorter version that lacks the slide presentation that I gave there. It is in English.
"Beginnen met Planeetfotografie", Werkgroep maan en planeten online meeting, December the 19th 2020. The slides are available here.