Jupiter, 2023-09-16, explore scientific 16''/f4.5 dob, eq platform, televue 2x barlow, zwo adc, asi462mc camera
Saturn, 2023-09-09, explore scientific 16''/f4.5 dob, eq platform, televue 2x barlow, zwo adc, asi462mc camera
Mars, 2022-11-12, explore scientific 16''/f4.5 dob, eq platform, televue 3x barlow, zwo adc, asi462mc camera
Partial Lunar eclipse
Sunspot AR3014, 2022-05-22, 10''/f4.8 dob, EQ platform, Televue 2x barlow, Baader ND5 filtercap, ASI462MC camera
Mooncrater Langrenus, 2022-03-07, 10''/f4.8 Dobsonian, EQ platform, televue 3x barlow, ASI462MC camera
Milkyway from the dunes of the island of Texel